Harp Wiki
2000px-Location North America
  • Sortable: Use the list's sorting feature to filter by state/province, country, and vendor/maker!
  • Buyer's Guide: Thinking of purchasing a harp? Check to see if there are any luthiers or harp makers near you. If this is your first harp purchase, (or even your second) read up on how to buy a harp and what to look for.
  • Your Harp: Who made your harp? Check to see that they were included in the list.
  • Vendors Included: If a harp maker is not nearby, there may be a "dealership" that is. Check the list to see if your local music store carries harps!
  • Used Harps: Some vendors do offer used harps alongside new harps. If you are looking for a used harp or would like to sell your harp, look in the "Used Available" column. Also, read our article on buying a used harp.
  • Disclaimer: a business' inclusion here does not necessarily mean the it has the endorsement of Harp Wiki. It is meant to be an exhaustive list of every single harp maker and seller in the world. You must do your own research into each of the harps you are considering purchasing.

See also the harp maker/vendor articles for Europe and worldwide.

Harp Maker City State/ Province Country Vendor/ Maker Used Available

Harp Types

Another Era Lutherie Edmonton KY USA Maker No Lever, Wire
Apple Mountain Music Albuquerque NM USA Vendor No Lever
Arpeggio Harps Portland OR USA Vendor Yes Lever
Atlanta Harp Center Alpharetta GA USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Argent Fox Moline IL USA Maker No Lever, Double
Art of Harps West Melbourne FL USA Vendor No Lever
Blessley Vancouver WA USA Maker No Lever, Cross-Strung
Blevins Harps Grand Junction CO USA Maker No Lever, Cross-Strung, Double, Carbon Fiber
Cambria Harps Phoenix OR USA Maker No Lever, Wire, Kits
Campbell Harps Port Townsend WA USA Maker No Lever, Double, Triple
Carved Strings Hancock MI USA Maker No Wire, Gut/Nylon (No Levers)
Caswell Harps Saratoga CA USA Maker No Lever
Classic Harps Northwest Portland OR USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Classical Harp Academy Ottawa ON Canada Vendor No Lever, Pedal
Comfort Harps Placerville CA USA Maker Yes Lever
Cunningham Harps Atlanta GA USA Maker No Lever, Triple Harp, Wire,
Dahl Harps Duluth MN USA Maker No Lever
David Cureton Gravenhurst ON Canada Maker No Lever
David Kortier Duluth MN USA Maker Yes Lever, Wire, Electric
DB Arts Portland OR USA Vendor No Lever
De Luna Harps Hooksett NH USA Vendor No Lever
Diamond Harps West Kelowna BC Canada Maker No Lever
Douglas Harp Co. North Port FL USA Maker No Lever
Dreamsinger Harps Lakewood CA USA Maker No Wire, Gut/Nylon (No Levers)
Dusty Strings Seattle WA USA Maker No Lever, Double
Electric Harp NH USA Maker No Lever, Chromatic, Electric, Lucite
Emerald Harp Mt. Laguna CA USA Vendor Yes Lever
Enchanted Harp Puyallup WA USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Fisher Harps Winnipeg MB Canada Maker No Lever
Folc Harp Bristol TN USA Maker No Wire
Folk Mote Music & Harp Store Santa Barbara CA USA Vendor Yes Lever
Folk World Music Mendocino CA USA Vendor Yes Lever
Gerhard Wanney Thetis Island BC Canada Maker No Lever
Groth Music Bloomington MN USA Vendor No Lever, Pedal
Harp Connection Salem MA USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Harp in LA Los Angeles CA USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Harp Lady Markham ON Canada Vendor No Lever, Pedal
Harp Nest, The London ON Canada Vendor Yes Lever
Harp Studio, The Apalachin NY USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Harps Etc. Walnut Creek CA USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal, Electric
Harps of Lorien Questa NM USA Maker No Lever
Harps of Praise Coshocton OH USA Vendor No Lever
Harpsicle Rising Sun IN USA Maker No Lever, Electric
Harptronics Huntsville ON Canada Maker No Electric, MIDI
Heartland Harps Zirconia  NC USA Maker Yes Lever, Carbon Fiber
Heritage Music Salmon Arm BC Canada Vendor Yes Lever
Hidden Valley Harps Escondido CA USA Maker No Lever
Highland Harps Fort Collins CO USA Maker No Lever
House of Musical Traditions Takoma Park MD USA Vendor Yes Lever
James Jones Bedford VA USA Maker No Lever
Jay Witcher Houlton ME USA Maker No Lever, Wire
John Kovac Front Royal VA USA Maker No Lever, Kits
John Pratt Manti UT USA Maker No Lever
Josephus Harps Duncan BC Canada Maker No Lever
Jubilee Harps Evansville IN USA Maker No Wire, Ethnic
Kolacny Music Denver CO USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Lark in the Morning Mendocino CA USA Vendor Lever
Lee Davenport Columbia MD USA Maker No
Lewis Creek Instruments Howell MI USA Maker No Lever, Cross-Strung
Lynne Lewandowski Bellows Falls VT USA Maker No Lever, Wire
Lyon & Healy Chicago IL USA Maker Yes Lever, Pedal
Magical Strings Olalla WA USA Maker No Lever
Marini Made Harps New Holland PA USA Maker Yes Lever, Double, Chord
Melody's Traditional Music Cypress TX USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal, Double, Cross-Strung
Michigan Harp Center Clawson MI USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal, Double, Cross-Strung
Mid-East (multi) (multi) USA Vendor No Lever
Morgan Harps Maker No Lever
Mountain Glen Harps Phoenix OR USA Maker No Lever, Laser, Electric, Wire, Double, Cross-Strung
Muma Harps London ON Canada Maker No Lever, Cross-Strung
Music Folk St. Louis MO USA Vendor Yes Lever
Music Makers Stillwater MN USA Maker No DIY Kits, Lever
Noteworthy Woodworking Rootstown OH USA Maker No Lever
Phyllis Hoffman Lenexa KS USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Planet Harp Macungie PA USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
R-Harps Denver CO USA Maker No Lever
Rees Harps Rising Sun IN USA Maker No Lever
Reigning Harps WA USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Rick Stanley Fairfield IA USA Maker No Lever, Wire
Robinson's Harp Shop Mt. Laguna CA USA Maker Yes Lever
Salvi Harps Inc. Los Angeles CA USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Silvershell Instruments Carver MA USA Maker No Lever
Sligo Harps Silver Spring MD USA Maker No Lever
Song of the Sea Bar Harbor ME USA Vendor No Lever
Song of the Wood Black Mountain NC USA Vendor No Lever
Spruce Tree Music Madison WI USA Vendor Yes Lever
Stanley & Stanley Kingston ON Canada Maker No Lever
Starlight Harps Zirconia NC USA Maker No Lever, Pedal, Carbon Fiber
Stoney End Redwing MN USA Maker No Lever, Wire, Cross-Strung, Double
Swanson Harps East Boston MA USA Maker Yes Lever, Pedal
Sylvia Woods Harp Center Kauai HI USA Vendor No Lever
Thormahlen Harps Corvallis OR USA Maker No Lever
Timothy Harps Bridgetown  NS Canada Maker No Lever
Triplett Harps San Luis Obispo CA USA Maker No Lever, Wire
Vanderbilt Music Bloomington IN USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
VAVRA Harp Anderson SC USA Maker No Lever
Venus Harps Chicago IL USA Maker Yes Pedal
Virginia Harp Center Midlothian VA USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Vixen Harps Ottowa ON Canada Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Waring Music Guilford VT USA Maker No
Webster Harps Warren MI USA Maker Lever
West Coast Harps Victoria BC Canada Vendor Yes Lever
LadyHarp Inc. Saint Petersburg FL USA Vendor Yes Lever, Pedal
Wind River Harps Huntsville AL USA Maker No Lever