Harp Wiki
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Photo credit: capn madd matt via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND

Pulling a tuning wrench out of my “harp drawer” yesterday made me realize just how much harp “stuff” I’ve accumulated over time that I now consider indispensable … and wish I would have had on a “shopping list” when starting out. With that in mind, I thought I’d share my thoughts on what I believe would constitute a sound beginner’s “Kit” of helpful accessories for the harp … along with upgrades and enhancements for further along the journey.

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Music Books[]

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Note about this article. Some of this content has been copy-pasted from Peggy Coates' website dorveille.com The website has disappeared, but the content remains on the internet archives. Attempts have been made to get in touch with the original author, but have been unfruitful. Should Peggy come across this content, please get in touch with @harpwiki!